Videos created with the generous support of the Chicago Digital Media Production Fund.
Many Americans have little chance to fight cancer because they are fighting too hard to keep their pay. #zeroweeks
For seriously ill children, the presence of a parent can help reduce the duration of a hospital stay by nearly a third. #zeroweeks
With paid leave, a mother is 40% less likely to need public assistance after the birth of a new child. #zeroweeks
Instead of bed rest, many Americans are working 12 hour days – choosing between their health and job security. We can do better. #zeroweeks
By the year 2025, 1 in 5 Americans will be over the age of 65. Paid leave is necessary to help seniors age w/ dignity. #zeroweeks
Every year working families in the USA lose $20.6 billion in wages, due to a lack of paid family & medical leave. #zeroweeks
Low-income caregivers spend more than 40% of their income on caregiving expenses. Paid leave can help. #zeroweeks
The average family caregiver, who leaves their job to care for a loved one, loses nearly $304,000 in wages and retirement funds #zeroweeks
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